فرآیند تدوین شناسنامه شغل هی گروپ

Line Manager’s Role in Designing Job Profile

One of the main questions you need to answer when analyzing a job and preparing a job profile is how to identify a reliable

source for collecting job information.
Usually, managers and job experts are recommended as the target audience. But why should they be interviewed when preparing a job profile?

Let’s exam­ine this issue from the root. We know that in man­age­ment busi­ness mod­els, man­agers play a key role in orga­niz­ing the work­force, bud­get, equip­ment, and oth­er facil­i­ties to imple­ment goals in the orga­ni­za­tion and achieve busi­ness results.


The correct process for appointing managers in businesses

When estab­lish­ing a busi­ness or invit­ing man­agers to per­form man­age­r­i­al respon­si­bil­i­ties, the expect­ed goals and results, in oth­er words, the demands of the busi­ness by the founders or their rep­re­sen­ta­tives and senior man­agers, should be clear­ly stat­ed. After the man­ager’s abil­i­ty to per­form these respon­si­bil­i­ties is proven through an assess­ment cen­ter or com­pe­ten­cy-based inter­view, the man­ag­er is asked to present appro­pri­ate cur­rent and devel­op­ment plans.

The plans include mea­sures, bud­get, facil­i­ties, and human resources appro­pri­ate to achieve the agreed results. An impor­tant part of the plan includes how to employ appro­pri­ate man­pow­er, in oth­er words, a descrip­tion of the respon­si­bil­i­ties and com­pe­ten­cies required to per­form the work and per­for­mance mon­i­tor­ing indi­ca­tors, which are revealed in a suit­able job description.


A competent manager and useful information for a job description

It can be clear­ly seen that if a man­ag­er does not have a grasp of the respon­si­bil­i­ties of his sub­or­di­nates, as well as the abil­i­ty and com­pe­ten­cies nec­es­sary to imple­ment them, he will not be able to orga­nize and man­age opti­mal per­for­mance. Only then can the plans pre­sent­ed by the man­ag­er be eval­u­at­ed and the final deci­sion to appoint him to the desired posi­tion be made.

The Hey Group job descrip­tion is result-ori­ent­ed and pays atten­tion to busi­ness pri­or­i­ties and is approved by the Min­istry of Labor in the clas­si­fi­ca­tion of jobs accord­ing to the Labor Law.

For this rea­son, the manager/supervisor of each unit is the most qual­i­fied per­son who is expect­ed to have the infor­ma­tion required to design a job and com­pile a job descrip­tion. He can also intro­duce experts to par­tic­i­pate in the job inter­view in his place and, after con­duct­ing the inter­view and prepar­ing the ini­tial ver­sion of the job ID, review it and approve the results.


Features of the HayGroup Model in Preparing a Job ID

The Hay­Group Mod­el, which is one of the well-known mod­els of job analy­sis and prepar­ing a job ID in the world, has paid spe­cial atten­tion to these busi­ness con­cepts and has based its solu­tions on this.

We can clear­ly say that the Hay Group method is the mod­el that is most com­pat­i­ble with the results-ori­ent­ed nature of busi­ness­es and the main rea­son for the exis­tence and employ­ment of man­agers in the orga­ni­za­tion — improv­ing pro­duc­tiv­i­ty and per­for­mance — and sup­ports them with a vari­ety of inte­grat­ed solutions.

In this regard, the Rayan Rah­bord job data­base, which con­tains more than 1050 job pro­files from var­i­ous indus­tries, has been pre­pared after con­duct­ing more than eleven thou­sand spe­cial­ized inter­views over more than twelve years and col­lect­ing infor­ma­tion from man­agers and experts and ana­lyz­ing it using the Hay Group method.

This spe­cial Per­sian-lan­guage col­lec­tion is now used by many lead­ing indus­tries as well as experts who want to have accu­rate and up-to-date infor­ma­tion about their jobs.

By search­ing for your desired job title in this data­base, you can view some of the avail­able job infor­ma­tion and pur­chase it if you are sure that you have select­ed the right job.

Also, our job analy­sis work­shops and prepar­ing job pro­files using the Hay Group method, by Dr. Morad Ahmadipour, the only Iran­ian-trained per­son at the Hay Group, ensures that you receive the edu­ca­tion­al con­tent from a first-hand source and can be assured of the qual­i­ty of edu­ca­tion and learning.

He also pro­vides sup­port to par­tic­i­pants from his twen­ty years of expe­ri­ence in inter­na­tion­al and Iran­ian com­pa­nies even after the end of the train­ing workshop.


Relat­ed arti­cles and notes:

Job duty descrip­tion or job Pro­file; Which one is more appropriate

RRC HR Train­ing Work­shops and Courses

Hay Group Job pro­file and Job Descrip­tion – Train­ing Workshop

HR Home English


ویژگی‌های خاص کارگاه‌های آموزشی رایان راهبرد چیست؟

کارگاه‌های رایان راهبرد بر اساس مدل‌ها و روش‌های روز دنیا و با رویکرد ایجاد مهارت تخصصی تدارک دیده شده‌اند و یادگیری انجام موضوع آموزش پس از مشارکت فعال تضمین شده است. این مهارت‌ها برای مدیران و متخصصان منابع انسانی یک مزیت رقابتی ایجاد می‌کنند تا در موقعیت‌های شغلی مناسبی در این حرفه قرار گیرند.

رویکرد رایان راهبرد در ارائۀ خدمات مشاوره منابع انسانی چگونه است؟

رایان راهبرد تأکید زیادی به درونی‌سازی متدهای به کار گرفته‌شده در سازمان‌ها دارد. به طوری که تمامی پروژه‌های مشاوره پس از آموزش به ذینفعان و متولیان منابع انسانی سازمان آغاز می‌شوند. بدین ترتیب اجرا با آگاهی از دورنما و تسلط بر تکنیک همراه خواهد بود. سازمان نیز در آینده وابسته به مشاور نبوده و می‌تواند خود، به‌روز‌رسانی‌ها را متناسب با تغییرات پیش برد.

مطالب و یادداشت‌های وب سایت رایان راهبرد چابک چه ویژگی‌هایی دارد؟

کادر تحریریه رایان راهبرد چابک متشکل از متخصصان منابع انسانی با تسلط بر روزنامه‌نگاری است و متفاوت با فعالان دیجیتال مارکتینگ فعال در فضای مجازی و شبکه‌های اجتماعی، به کیفیت محتوا وفادارند. مطالب و یادداشت‌هایی که در وب سایت منتشر می‌شوند، عمدتاً محتوای تولیدی و یا ترجمه‌ای از روندها و سیگنال‌های موجود در فضای جهانی منابع انسانی است که خاص رایان راهبرد است. این محتواها برای اولین بار به زبان فارسی منتشر می‌شوند.

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