Desire to change: The first step for effective training

The deci­sion-mak­er must be able to under­stand the need for change based on the real­i­ties and envi­ron­men­tal con­di­tions and func­tion­al feed­back, then would be able to design an effec­tive training…

A Vacant Position in HR Structure

 Recruit­ment tests vs. Val­ues which soci­ol­o­gy can add  Human resource man­age­ment experts and recruiters are sur­round­ed by a dozen of tests, where each claim­ing to have a deep under­stand­ing of individuals […]

Design Job Description and Job Profile 2

Job descrip­tion is less impor­tant than it should be. They tend to be very long and con­tain com­plete and prac­ti­cal details of the job. For this rea­son, they get old…

Employment Interview when the answer is “No”

There is no prob­lem if your answer in an employ­ment inter­view is: “I do not know”! This is what a pro­fes­sion­al HR inter­view­er said. He recalls that a human resource development […]

Iran Investment Consulting

Human Resources Con­sult­ing Iran Invest­ment and HR Con­sult­ing Ser­vices: With the major dynam­ics in the Iran’s approach and its eco­nom­ics issues spe­cial­ly in the invest­ment relat­ed mat­ters, the need for […]

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