How “Portable Document Format” or PDFs created a big change on organizational culture

بنیان گذار شرکت ادوبی پی دی اف

pdf HR change


Remember one working day with the administration department about twenty years ago.

Bureau­crat­ic man­agers usu­al­ly per­sist on col­lect­ing and stor­ing doc­u­ments on a reg­u­lar basis that time. So, you maybe sad­dened by the death of Charles Geschke yes­ter­day. He was one of the founders of Adobe, which cre­at­ed the PDF file.

management and human resources

The role of PDF files in management and human resources

The PDF file in human resources has brought dra­mat­ic changes, espe­cial­ly in trust on infor­ma­tion and com­mu­ni­ca­tion tech­nol­o­gy.
Charles was one of the found­ing fathers of Adobe Soft­ware, and per­haps helped busi­ness­es and enter­prise sys­tems as well as soft­ware industry.

management and human resources
He and his team at Adobe ensured that portable doc­u­ments (PDFs) could be used to trans­fer typed text and doc­u­ments with­out chang­ing the for­mat.
This issue has been one of the weak­ness­es of non-paper doc­u­ments until then, and this was the pre­text for tra­di­tion­al­ists and paper lovers to for­bid uti­liz­ing soft documents.

management and human resources
The use of PDF files showed that paper lovers can see their lover’s face in a file when­ev­er they want. With­out wast­ing time, nor mov­ing a dot or chang­ing the width of the col­umn or para­graph.
Thus, it is not an exag­ger­a­tion to con­sid­er PDF as an inter­me­di­ary for the evo­lu­tion of trust and then the use of infor­ma­tion tech­nol­o­gy in bureau­crat­ic and busi­ness systems.

management and human resources
These events were enough to con­vince some of the lead­ers with­in the orga­ni­za­tion and admin­is­tra­tion depart­ment to come down a lit­tle from their tow­er and accept the reli­a­bil­i­ty of the soft­ware doc­u­ments and files.

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رایان راهبرد تأکید زیادی به درونی‌سازی متدهای به کار گرفته‌شده در سازمان‌ها دارد. به طوری که تمامی پروژه‌های مشاوره پس از آموزش به ذینفعان و متولیان منابع انسانی سازمان آغاز می‌شوند. بدین ترتیب اجرا با آگاهی از دورنما و تسلط بر تکنیک همراه خواهد بود. سازمان نیز در آینده وابسته به مشاور نبوده و می‌تواند خود، به‌روز‌رسانی‌ها را متناسب با تغییرات پیش برد.

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